Saturday, 18 June 2016


10 Useful Windows Commands You Should Know

There are some things you can only do from the command line, even on Windows. Some of these tools don’t have graphical equivalents, while others are just plain faster to use than their graphical interfaces.
We can’t possibly cover all the useful commands you can use in the Command Prompt or PowerShell here. We’ll be focusing on commands that should be useful even if you’re not a command-line person.

ipconfig – Quickly Find Your IP Address

You can find your IP address from the Control Panel, but this takes quite a few clicks. The ipconfig command is a fast way of determining your computer’s IP address and other information, such as the address of its default gateway — useful if you want to know the IP address of your router’s web interface.
To use the command, just type ipconfig into a Command Prompt window. You’ll see a list of all the network connections your computer is using. Look under Wireless LAN adapter if you’re connected to Wi-Fi or Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection if you’re connected to a wired network.

ipconfig /flushdns – Flush Your DNS Resolver Cache

If you change your DNS server, the effects won’t necessarily take place immediately. Windows uses a cache that remembers DNS responses it’s received, saving time when you access the same addresses again in the future.
To ensure Windows is getting addresses from the new DNS servers instead of using old, cached entries, run the ipconfig /flushdns command after changing your DNS server.

ping, tracert – Troubleshoot Network Connection Issues

If you’re experiencing issues connecting to a website or other network connection issues, Windows and other operating systems have some standard tools you can use to identify problems.
First, there’s the ping command. Type ping and Windows will send packets to Google will respond and let you know it’s received them. You’ll be able to see if any packets didn’t make it to — perhaps you’re experiencing packet loss — and how long it took you to hear back — perhaps the network is saturated and packets are taking a while to reach their destinations.
There’s also the tracert command, which traces the route it takes for a packet to reach a destination. For example, run tracert and you’ll see the path your packet takes to reach Google. If you’re having issues connecting to a website, tracert can show you where the problem is occurring.
For more information about using these commands, read our introduction to troubleshooting Internet connection problems.

shutdown – Create Shutdown Shortcuts on Windows 8

The shutdown command is particularly useful on Windows 8. You can use it to create your own shortcuts and place them on your Start screen or desktop, allowing you to more easily shut down Windows without digging through the charms bar or logging out first.
This command can also be used to restart your computer. On Windows 8, you can even use a special switch to restart your computer into the advanced startup options menu.
  • Shut Down: shutdown /s /t 0
  • Restart: shutdown /r /t 0
  • Restart Into Startup Options: shutdown /r /o

recimg – Create Custom Recovery Images

The Refresh Your PC feature on Windows 8 allows you to restore your computer’s system state to its original state — either from a clean Windows install or as the computer came from its manufacturer. You can create your own custom recovery images, but this feature is hidden — you have to do it with the recimg command from a command line. This allows you to removemanufacturer-installed bloatware or add your favorite desktop programs to your recovery image.
For more information about using recimg, read our overview of everything you need to know about creating and using custom recovery images on Windows 8.

wbadmin start backup – Create System Recovery Images

Windows 8.1 removes the Windows 7 backup interface, which allowed you to create system backup images. These system images contain a complete snapshot of every single file on the system, so they’re different from Windows 8’s recovery images.
While the graphical interface has been removed, system administrators and geeks can still create system image backups by running the wbadmin start backup cmdlet in a PowerShell window. Unlike all the other commands here, this command-line tool must be run from within PowerShell, not the Command Prompt.

sfc /scannow – Scan System Files for Problems

Windows includes a system file checker tool that scans its system files and looks for problems. If system files are missing or corrupted, the system file checker will repair them. This may fix problems with some Windows systems.
To use this tool, open a Command Prompt window as Administrator and run the sfc /scannowcommand.

telnet – Connect to Telnet Servers

The telnet client isn’t installed by default. You’ll have to install it from the Control Panel. Once installed, you can use the telnet command to connect to telnet servers without installing any third-party software.
You should avoid using telnet if you can help it, but if you’re connected directly to a device and it requires that you use telnet to set something up — well, that’s what you have to do.

cipher – Permanently Delete and Overwrite a Directory

The cipher command is mostly used for managing encryption, but it also has an option that will write garbage data to a drive, clearing its free space and ensuring no deleted file can be recovered. Deleted files normally stick around on disk unless you’re using a solid state drive. The cipher command effectively allows you to “wipe” a drive without installing any third-party tools.
To use the command, specify the drive you want to wipe like so:
ciper /w:C:\
cipher wipe drive

netstat -an – List Network Connections and Ports

The netstat command is particularly useful, displaying all sorts of network statistics when used with its various options. One of the most interesting variants of netstat is netstat -an, which will display a list of all open network connections on their computer, along with the port they’re using and the foreign IP address they’re connected to.

This isn’t a comprehensive list of all the commands you might find useful, but we hope it’s given you some idea of the many powerful tools lurking under the surface. Linux isn’t the only operating system where users can benefit from learning some commands.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


                                         CCTV & IT TECHNOLOGY

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

                                                       CCTV & IT TECHNOLOGY
Mobile:+255(0) 657 861 947

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Halotel kufikisha mtandao kwa asilimia 95 ya watanzania hadi mwishoni mwa mwaka 2016

 Naibu Mkurugenzi wa Kampuni ya mawasiliano ya Halotel, Le Van Dai akizungumza na wanahabari katika makao makuu ya kampuni hiyo jijini Dar es Salaam leo kuhusuiana na mtandao huo kutanua huduama zake hadi kufikia asimimia 95 ya watazanzania. Wanaoshuhudia ni Naibu Mkurugenzi wa Rasilimali Watu, Emanuel Malyeta (kushoto), na kulia kwake ni  mwanasheria wa kampuni hiyo,Christopher Masai.
Naibu Mkurugenzi wa Rasilimali Watu wa Halotel, Emanuel Malyeta akifafanunua jambo kwa waandishi wa habari. Katikati ni Naibu Mkurugenzi wa Kampuni ya mawasiliano ya Halotel, Le Van Dai kulia kwake ni  mwanasheria wa kampuni hiyo,Christopher Masai.
Naibu Mkurugenzi wa Kampuni ya mawasiliano ya Halotel, Le Van Dai akimkabidhi zawadi mwandishi wa gazeti la the Guardian, Sylivester Domaso.
Dar es Salaam, 5/1/2016: Kampuni mpya ya simu za mikononi, Halotel, leo imetangaza mpango wake wa kufikisha mtandao wa simu kwa asilimia 95 ya watanzania hadi ifikapo mwishoni mwa mwaka huu. Wakiongozwa na kauli mbiu yao ya Pamoja katika Ubora, wanalenga kuhakikisha kila mtanzania anakuwa na simu ya mkononi pamoja na kupata huduma ya mtandao kwa kila sehemu ya Tanzania, ambapo mpaka sasa imeshaunganisha mtandao wa simu kwa zaidi ya vijiji 1500 ambavyo havikuwa vimeunganishwa na huduma ya mtandao awali.
Hadi sasa Halotel imeshawekeza zaidi ya dola bilioni 1 za kimarekani mpaka sasa kwa kutengeneza miundombinu na kuboresha mtandao wa mawasiliano, kampuni ya Halotel imefanikiwa kufikisha huduma za mtandao katika mikoa yote 26 nchini, pamoja na miji na vijiji, ikiwa ni zaidi ya asilimia 95% ya watanzania wote hivyo kuifanya kuwa kampuni yenye mtandao mkubwa zaidi nchini.

Akizungumzia mipango ya kampuni yake kwa mwaka 2016, Naibu Mkurugenzi Mtendaji Mkuu wa Halotel, bwana Le Van Dai amesema kampuni yake itaendelea kupeleka mtandao katika vijiji vingine 1500 katika mwaka 2016 na kuweka mkazo wa hali ya juu katika mrejesho kwa wateja pamoja na kuboresha mtandao, huduma kwa wateja, huduma kwa jamii hali itakayopelekea mapinduzi katika sekta ya mawasiliano nchini.
‘Kampuni yetu itashirikiana na watanzania katika kuhakikisha inaleta maendeleo kwa watanzania, kama ambavyo kauli mbiu yetu ilivyo, Pamoja katika Ubora, ndivyo ambavyo tutaendelea kuwekeza hapa nchini hali itakayopelekea kukua haraka kwa kampuni yetu’ alisema Bwana Dai.
Katika hatua nyingine Dai amewashukuru watanzania na serikali yao kwa mapokezi waliyoipa kampuni yao, na pia amewahakikishia kuwa Halotel itaendelea kufanya kazi kwa kuzingatia sheria za nchi na wataendelea kushirikiana nao katika kusukuma maendeleo ya nchi.
‘Tunapenda kutoa shukrani zetu za dhati kwa serikali ya Tanzania kwa ushirikiano mkubwa waliotupa, na kuelekea mwaka 2016, kampuni yetu itaendelea kukuza ubunifu, zawadi pamoja na huduma nyingine kwa wateja wetu’ alisema Dai.
Kwa mwaka 2015 pekee, kampuni ya Halotel imelipa kodi ya zaidi ya dola milioni 27 za kimarekani, ambayo kati ya hiyo dola milioni 24 imetumika kulipa kodi uingizaji bidhaa na dola laki saba ni kodi inayohusuiana na rasrimali watu.
Dai amesema pia kampuni yake imetengeneza zaidi ya ajira 1,500 za moja kwa moja na zaidi ya 20,000 za ajira zisizo za moja kwa moja, akisisitiza kuwa kampuni yake itahakikisha inafata sheria za ajira za Tanzania.
Katika hatua nyingine, Dai alielezea masikitiko yake kwa matukio ya wizi na uporaji wa mitambo ya Halotel, akielezea kuwa zaidi ya matukio 52 yameripotiwa kuanzia mwezi wa kwanza hadi Disemba mwaka huu, ambapo imewasababishia hasara ya jumla ya shilingi milioni 393.Lengo la Halotel ni kuhakikisha kila mtanzania ana simu ya mkononi ili kubadilisha namna watanzania wanaishi na namna wanavyokuza na kujenga uchumi wao.
‘Kampuni yetu ina zaidi ya kilomita 18,000 za fibre optic, pamoja na zaidi ya minara 2500, hivyo kuifanya Halotel kuwa kampuni yenye mtandao mkubwa zaidi nchini, ambayo pia itatumika kuunganisha serikali za mitaa 150, hospitali 150, vituo vya polisi 150, ofisi za posta 65 na intaneti ya bure kwa shule zaidi ya 450’ alimaliza Dai.
                                CCTV & IT TECHNOLOGY
1.CCTV CAMERA installation and repair.{CAMERA ZA ULINZI}
2.Cabling installation and Network configuration {CREATING LAN}
3.Landline installation and configuration {SIMU ZA MAOFISINI}
4.Computer Service

Tukifunga CCTV CAMERA ndani ya miezi sita{6} zitakuwa chini yetu endapo itatokea tatizo.

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Mkurugenzi wa Tigo kanda ya Ziwa Ali Mswanya(katikati) akizungumza na waandishi wa habari jjijini Mwanza jana,kuhusu upatikanaji wa huduma ya Tigo 4G LTE,kushoto ni Meneja wa Tigo 4G LTE Benedict Mponzi na Meneja wa Tigo Kanda ya Ziwa Edgar Mapande.
Meneja wa Tigo Kanda ya Ziwa Edgar Mapande,akifafanua jambo kwa waandishi wa habari wakati wa mkutano huo,kushoto ni Meneja wa Tigo 4G LTE Benedict Mponzi na Mkurugenzi wa Tigo kanda ya Ziwa Ali Mswanya(katikati).
Meneja wa huduma ya 4G LTE, Benedict Mponzi akifafanua jambo kwa waandishi wa habari (hawapo pichani) katikati ni Mkurugenzi wa Tigo kanda ya Ziwa Ali Mswanya  na kulia kwake ni  Meneja wa Tigo Kanda ya Ziwa Edgar Mapande   katika mkutano na waandishi wa habari uliofanyika mapema jana Jijini Mwanza .
Mkurugenzi wa Tigo kanda ya Ziwa Ali Mswanya(katikati) kushoto ni Meneja wa Tigo 4G LTE Benedict Mponzi na Meneja wa Tigo Kanda ya Ziwa Edgar Mapande,wakionyesha kwa waandishi wa habari jjijini Mwanza jana,line za  Tigo 4G LTE,wakati wa kutambulisha upatikanaji wa huduma hiyo Mkoani Mwanza.
Waandisi wa habari wakifuatilia  mkutano huo